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Everything posted by Attackroot

  1. oh i watched the whole thing lol. i knew it was a joke video.
  2. i lost interest when he called link zelda.... lol
  3. Hey all, Some things to know about this announcement. 1. Feature Lock date - June 12, 2018. This is where they are gonna lock all the settings and use them for the launch of beta. Us alpha players are testing when we can the systems now, and what they will add as we get closer. Right now we are mainly in the break the build testing. They are slowly adding more and more stuff tho and we are just getting on attempting the crash the servers. Also this date is not set in stone, it could happen earlier, they are hoping we get enough testing done and have everything stable by this time if not sooner to get ready for beta. 2. Beta 1 Date - July 4, 2018 - I know it is strange to have this as a launch date for any kind of testing, but they said this is kinda the middle point for it being to soon or to late. The content in this will be everything that gets locked on the feature lock date. nothing more will be added and nothing will be taken away. As well all know from previous game that when u lock features in one 1 patch, and they release another patch i could break things from the older patch. (WoW vanilla tuning patches). Also this date if possible will be pushed forwards if it is ready sooner. I know some people dont like when they give dates and then change them, but in this its a good thing. When and if they have the servers ready for beta 1 and launch then they want to get as much testing in on them as possible and as many players on them as possible. so the sooner they can get even more in the better for the game over all. also beta 1 people will be getting allowed in sooner to help with testing before Beta 1 launches. And once Beta 1 begins. beta 2 people will be let in early also. this is because they had to pushed the dates back from the original beta dates. 3. Special testing events during both phases - They will be doing unique and special testing events during certain parts of closed alpha and beta 1. it may be things like everyone logs on and pick so many flower or some other gathering materials or logs in and trying to just killed everyone, or anything else they can think of. They have alot of systems in this game that are gonna need testing so expect issues when certain things are being asked to be tested. Also with break the build tests we are trying to play a class and break that, this is more of a login server breaking thing and well as stability in server. Questions on this Announcement - 1. Dates - June 12, 2018 feature lock - July 4, 2018 Beta 1. 2. Q: Will we be getting a review of the features of beta around feature lock? A: Absolutely, and if u go to the website there is already some info about it. You have the beta 1 doc, you have the check lists. And now that we have a date we will be putting out a road map to beta. and will be updating the road map on a week by week basis. Also we will be doing more media content about more specific aspects of the game. 3. Q: that Packages available will they be changing? A: Yes, as we go into beta 1 we will be changing the tiers as we announced before, will be chaning the refund policy as well. Wont be at the begining of beta 1, we will give a 30 days noticed before we change it. 4. Q: can we send our beta invites as part of this?? A: No not at the opening of Beta 1, the invites are for later in beta. 5. Q: Since July 4 isnt a Saturday, is it a special test date and will the rest of the tests be on saturday, and will we have alpha saturday tests before that? A: Yes, it is both, we are doing random and schedule test. we will be doing that going forward as well. we wanna get all the alphas in and a bunch of betas in over the next 4 months. 6. Q: is beta one a constantly playable environment or event testing like alpha has been? A: Both, because of we know there are different systems that we need testing and some of the need a static world with resources to gather, example in the safe world island building a house u need static resources in the environment to do that. the testing island will be changing more and more. 7. Q: How much will we see in Beta 1 that we havent seen in the previous builds. A: A lot, well just say a lot. 8. Q: Does feature lock mean every race and class?/ A: No, there is no way in hell we could have every class out in time for that. Feature lock means features locked for that build, it is not the final project. We will need to foucs on fixing features in that build, and then when more builds come out we'll introduce more features. 9. Q: do u think people will forget that July 4 is about Independence day and not about Beta 1? A: I don't think anyone will ever forget Will Smiths heroic battle to defend the Earth against aliens. 10. Q: when will we begin to see more fleshed out classes with more example abilities, etc? A: Your seeing that now, and will continue over the next 4 months. we have 9 classes to get into balance, we haven't done any of this during alpha because that's not was alpha is for, that's what beta 1, 2 and 3 are for. 11. Q: will the founder packages that included costume buildings be included before the 4th of July? A: No 12. Q: How far are beta 1 build features from the expected release features? and how long are the beta periods expected to be? A: beta 1 begin should start 1 year before the release of the year. now we want to get the game out in 2019, that is the plan nothing has changed. but depending on what happens and the support we get from our in and with testing it may happen or it might be pushed back some.. But just focus on beta 1 and then other betas. 13. Q: Good Date, taking the time to get more polished. Do you still categorize it as old school start to beta? If everything goes right how long do u plan beta 1 to last and will it be the longest phase of beta? A: Mostly, and do i expect beta 1 to be the longest period? yes i do. We want to get as much of the game into beta 1 as makes sense. we want to have as much in that when we begin testing so we can do all the tuning we need before we go to the next stage of beta. We want to use beta 1 to get as much bugs and problems fix as possible with the features we are choosing, and also we want it to be as long as possible but not be to long, because if we stay at that stage its not a good thing have the same bugs all the time. And we want to get beta 1 done right. we dont wanna rush the phases. but the key is to not put something out that isn't ready. 14. Q: You said you would start beta early if it is ready... but what if it isnt ready? will u start it any way or push it back? A: Push it back and fall on my sword we dont want to push something that isnt ready. we havent spent this much time and money on rushing a product out, we dont do that. You have waiting far to long to be presented with something that isnt ready. So if we arent ready we will take the heat and push it back. 15. Q: What will be the status of C.U.B.E. during beta? A: At some point we will be getting another C.U.B.E. build out and going, but it is not the #1 priority. your going to see parts if it in testing because it is needed but wont have the new polished verison out any time soon. We hired another engineer to work on it and that will help but again its not the priority atm. 16. Q: When will an official game play trailer be revealed? A: Oh, well before beta. we will be having alot of trailers out for people to look at to decided whether or not u wanna kick in. We dont want to have u kick in with out any info with having a no refund policy that just not the way to do it. 17 Q: when will people be allowed to stream it? A: We will allow limited NDA streaming during beta one and then sometime during beta we will lift the NDA all together. 18 Q: Number of players expected to be in beta 1? ball park? A: Umm.. No, i know how many backers we have and we havent talked about that officially. We just dont know how many are going to show up. We are expecting a lot better turn out then what we had during alpha but thats to be expected. But it could be lower then we expect because alot of time people just want to wait until the game is ready. 19. Q: EU server before or during beta 1? and will US and Eu span up or at different times? A: 100% guaranteed. We hope to test the EU server before we even get into beta 1, that was one of our goals and we are also looking at switching from AWS to Google. the engineer that has been working on getting the EU server up has been working on the google platform. but its not a priority before beta 1... but it is a priority for during beta 1. but we will still be working on getting it before if we can. 20. Q: Are there still some big technical challenges left A: Yeah the same one that we haven't talked about over the past week and with massively interview. its mainly How far can we push our stability. there is a long list of things we still need to work on and make better, example: the UI elements making them better or just implementing certain parts of the UI. 21. Q: When are we going to get more info about the races and the new races. A: over the next 4 months, now that we have this date out for beta we will be going back and talking more about the races and other aspects of the game. alot more info is coming over the months so get ready. 22. Q: how much impact did the capital investment have on the date for Beta 1, both in terms of push up the date because you had more funding, but also in terms of did the investors push for an earlier beta date (earlier than you would have otherwise planned) A: This helped with getting more hours into creating the game, by getting more people in to help and aloud us to pick the things we wanted to focus on for this date we picked. but the investors didn't even know the date for beta when they invested. Put we are hiring more people and being aggressive on hiring so we can build a better game not speed it up. 0 pressure from the investors to speed up the process. 23. Q: Crafting in beta 1? and are we going to get more info on the crafting? A: in the following weeks we are going to release info. its a big part of the game and we want to give alot of information to you. We wont have cosmetic customization in beta 1. the foundation for crafting is most important. 24. Q: If beta 1 goes well what is the predicted reasonable launch date? A: some times in 2019 that's all i can say right now. 25. Q: Will builders brigade start before beta 1 and also maybe halp with scenario main keep/starting areas in main island? A: Yes and Yes. 26. Q: when can we expect to see more beta 1 updates? A: More then likely starting in the beginning of March since its the middle of the month now. 27. Q: Life time sub, and how much longer that is gonna be available? A: Through the beginning of beta 1 and and then we arent 100% sure yet, but after that is going to go away, just not sure on how soon. it'll go away in stages as well as refunds will go away. 28. Q: With Net Neutrality being knocked down will it effect launch and cause lag at all? A: not really anything that effects us. 29. Q: will there be scenarios in the finished game? A: No, we said as a general rule you may have some battle grounds, could we have scenarios?? yes we could for specific events and things, but realistically this game is about Open World RvR. with the exception obviously of The Depths. 30. Q: Will there be some kind of guide for beta, or will players have to figure out everything? A: Of course there will be a guide, we have some complex systems in place that with out guides everyone would be lost. 31. Q: Will there be any PVE type stuff like The Depths at all in beta 1? A: No, only thing pve in beta 1 will be crafting. Maybe mines that will lead to The Depths but no Depth in beta 1 32. Q: What is the most excited you see in the future over the next 6 months? A: Large Scale Scenario like 1000 people in a large scale battle. will be excited to see those. Also a safe island with 1000 or more housing plots with people building on all of them This is just the info from this announcement, more info coming soon over the next few weeks. Looking forward to all the trailers they are going to release. And the discussion on all the different systems and features in the game.
  4. all good, when i get time ill post it, but u know how work is. also im hoping to be off alot during the test phase before beta 1 so we can get some reviews in on what to expect for beta1.
  5. ya.. DAoC had the housing as server wide.. so happy to be back to that lol
  6. So far in Ark we have a lot of different creatures we an tame and ride around on... but which one is your favorite??? i know we have gotten to try them all. but which one stands out to u the most. I'm gonna have to go with the Karkinos. I've had more fun with that Dino so far then any other in the game.
  7. interesting... i hope we get to see the type of augments soon. rejoice!!! no needing to get multiple! lol
  8. The Samsung 49" CHG90 QLED Gaming Monitor So far i like all the extra view i have in some games on the sides. i like how i can set it up as a 2 screen display if i run a second display connection to the graphics card. which is a good way to do it if u want. put as of right now im only using it as 1 display and just alt tabbing to look at things. example of the multi screen option u can do: https://imgur.com/a/u25Yz there is some software that came with it called Easy settings Box, but i haven't mess with it enough to give my opinion on it. here's the example for that: https://imgur.com/a/Upgv8 There is a good dashboard that is easy to navigate, can set up 3 gaming mode options and switch between them with buttons on the bottom of the monitor next to the dashboard buttons. https://imgur.com/a/8LNTd i also like the height adjustment, swivel, and tilt adjustments it has. https://imgur.com/a/iUSBv So far I've only ran into 1 game that doesn't like the monitor, and that is Ark. but Ark has issues of it own... the top of the game gets cut off, but u still have plenty of view of everything else. I've had a flashing screen while playing ark, but not in any other game. Also Overwatch does not support the full screen, so u have black bars on the sides of the screen but that is fine. none of the game is cut off which is nice. ill add some of my own screens shots later when i get home.
  9. ya i think as long as we take those steps we will be fine. I dont really care if we keep S+ or not because it still cost the same mats. only benefit is not needing as much of those things in the long run. Example: wider range and higher effect from certain items like feeding trough and AC unit. Map: id like to keep Aberration for now until we do some boss runs and kill the boss on the different difficulties. As well as tame some of those dinos we havent gotten to.
  10. figured if go ahead and start this and see what classes people are looking at playing, or style of class. i know i havent been able to look to much into certain parts of the game. but that'll happen in time. For me depending on the play style: 1. Shadow Guardian - 2. Paladin - 3. Necromancer/shaman - 4. Scout/Predator - 5. Dreadnought.
  11. I'm hoping we get another hacker that will be able to steal an ability from an opponent that it hacks. the ability would only last like 30 seconds, and have 3 charges type thing.. and have a cd after it wears off. and of course it would be set ability u could steal not just a random one. even tho RNG abilities u get would be fun. i could see it being OP depending on what is stolen. or say u hack a Junkrat and the ability u get is the trap. while u have access to that ability he wouldnt be able to use it until u no longer have any charges or timer runs out. then he gets it back. Or maybe even a hacker that turns healers healing into damage on their allies... lol
  12. Welcome! look forward to killing u in multiple games. oh i mean playing beside u....
  13. do we wanna start testing some more server settings or mods? i know the issue that happened with S+ sucks and we lost everything, but it would be a good time to try stuff. Or we could start to rebuild. Also i know they are some changes to different things coming out soon, just not sure how soon. so it would be good to see those changes and have some things ready for them. Or we can start back with the new server that code has been working on and go from there.
  14. FINALLY!! some recognition!! lol jK! thanks all!
  15. Attack - Life time sub, but works his life away.
  16. http://massivelyop.com/2018/01/18/camelot-unchained-investment-mark-jacobs-interview-vr-beta-one/
  17. The Veil The Veil is a living, sentient and very closely connected to the use of stealth and magic in the “outter” world. It’s connection with dragons was also hinted at. A very mysterious being which gives another dimension to the Great War and exists in the space between this world and that of the Emissaries. Facts about the Veil The Veil is very sensitive to magic, and great concentration of it - usually cause by bigger battles - can easily trigger a Veilstorm. The Veil is the natural ambient and the scene for the endless battles of the stealth classes of Camelot Unchained. The first breaking of the world happened when the Veil was pierced, and it responded violently. The Veil reacted to the piercing by creation the devastating Veilstorms, some culmination into cataclysmic Malevolences that destroyed the known world or changed its surviving residents to new races or abominations. As a living thing, the Veil seems to respond with emotion, though it is also a part of the fabric of reality. Veilstorm Veilstorms are more than simply bad weather days; these storms can bring both destructive power and chaotic change to the lands that they sweep across. A Veilstorm is the result of too much magic flowing from one side of the Veil into our world, and the most powerful storms can culminate into a Malevolence - like the ones that tore apart the old world leaving only the shattered remains. Since the Veil is very sensitive to magic, high concentrations of it - typically happening during big battles - can trigger a Veilstorm, or perhaps even a Malevolence. Effects of Veilstorms Can be extremely varied. Devastated the world when the Veil was pierced. Winds, rain, and destructive magic. Not always pure destruction, but nobody welcomes their coming even with the occasional good fortune that can arise. The frequency of these storms has decreased over the years as “The Three” and their armies have stabilized small parts of the world. In gameplay, a Veilstorm may have an effect on spellcasters, such as changing the power of spell cast, altering its basic nature, harming the casters, and lots more. Effects of a Malevolence The worst Veilstorms are called Malevolences Malevolences carry dark magic that can literally transform the world and its inhabitants, reshaping their form and reality They were more frequent during the Age of Becoming, and helped to create many of the races of the world in Camelot Unchained Most often, the Malevolences do not cause positive changes, sometimes turning it`s victims into mindless Abominations
  18. According to Mark Jacobs the head of the game. We will be receiving a lot more information about the game and things happening for the year of 2018 toward the end of January. He turned stream on today and people kept asking questions regarding beta and he said coming at the end of January we will have a stream with a lot of info and we wont want to miss it... No exact date yet just the end of January, once i get that date ill make a post,
  19. 10 hours of that... i couldnt do it lol...
  20. here is a link to a resource map to help u with the new expansion and farming. https://ark.gamepedia.com/Resource_Map_(Aberration)
  21. while haboo and i were testing drops in the server sunday night, i kept dcing from server. some times it would be 5 min while online.. other times it was 1min... i went to an official server to see if the problem would travel and it didnt. went back to the warpigs server and not even a minute on i got dc again. not sure what was causing this issue, all i got was Lost connection the server type message.

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Warpigs is a semi-hardcore multi game community, for both MMOs and other genres. Our core, which has largely remained the same, started back in 2014. Warpigs first got started in Wildstar and has since branched out to several other game including, Black Desert Online, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm as some of our most active games. We also have a strong internal following for both Dauntless and Ashes of Creation.

Warpigs function as a tight knit family-esque guild, which is not to say that our conversations are G-rated. Quite the opposite, but when you're one of us, we've got your back. Words fly pretty freely, and I'm always of the opinion that if you play an MMO, or any game with a social player base, you need thick skin and know not to take things personally. With that being said, we are a well organised and have a fairly mature membership, and as such we offer a very stable guild that we hope will be here for many more years to come.

Warpigs are dedicated to a friendly, team focused, fun-loving gaming environment where every member is important and not just a number on a roster. We seek to foster long term friendships among members and enhance the online gaming experience by virtue of those friendships.

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