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Everything posted by coden1ke

  1. MMORPG.com is handing out free early access keys. To recieve a key all you need to do is login with a MMORPG.com account and prove you are not a reboot. Once you have your key redeem it in steam to start the download. Link for the key: https://www.mmorpg.com/giveaways/spellsworn-early-access-key-giveaway-1000000872
  2. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gigantic-wild-boar-dubbed-pigzilla-seen-rummaging-through-dumpster/
  3. For real, I was extremely happy to read this!
  4. theaocdungeon put out an amazing breakdown of this months stream. You can find their original post here Another month, another official AoC livestream. Steven and the crew played for about 1 hour, answering a few questions along the way. They showed us a few different instances, with some boss fights, the underrealm, an elvish node, and topped it of with a quick PvP session! Spoiler: Steven did not win the PvP! I have taken several images during the stream, check them out below! AoC loading screen. Stream starts with the amazing looking Dünheim instance, an old dwarf city that got corrupted. The monsters there are pretty strong. The visuals are great, especially when you consider this game hasn't even reached the first official alpha state (alpha 1, estimated ~Q3 2018). We also get a look at the UI, character screen, loading screens etc. Of course things might change, but it is cool to see how it looks now. Steven got some basic gear on his character, and he swaps weapons a few times during the stream from bow to staff. Remember that there are no "class locks" on the weapons. Any class can use any weapon. Character info screen. Dünheim boss. After getting wiped a few times, they decide to go outside in the forest, and then check out a nearby elvish node. Depending on the people that gain experience for the node (in this case many elvish), it will reflect upon that with elvish themed buildings and more. They received a quest, to kill a boss monster that has been "set loose" upon said node. As mentioned before, events will occurs as the node progresses, for example a big boss being unleashed upon the node influence area. The players will then need to rally together and fight off the threat. Or the node might be significantly damaged and set back. The elvish node. The boss attacking the forest node. They then decided to visit another nearby dungeon, this one a bit easier. Pretty smooth combat animations, it really looks solid. The UI is also a nice combination of informative, nice looking, and not to small or big. The only thing I found to be really out of place was the character name, it really is a bit big on the size. But those are details. Killing some more bad guys in the instance, as well as Steven getting an unexpected problem so he had to reconnect, which gives us a glimpse of the character selection screen and loading screen. Very scary looking bunnies in the second instance! The character selection screen. One thing that was noticeable during the instances was the insane respawn rate, you barely had time to progress as mobs behind you started spawning pretty fast. I suspect this definitely will be adjusted for later play phases. Then as a final section, we got a quick PvP fight! They disbanded the party and did a small FFA fight to the death. Very nice of them to end with that, as many has asked about them showing PvP. Looked fun, we should join them! Hopefully soon That was all for now, make sure you check out the full 1 hour video, it is well worth it! Steven getting ganged up on by two other fellow dev members. Here are the questions that got asked during the stream, and of course the responses from the team: Q: I'm curious about the stealth system. Let's say there's a player using a stealth skill in front of me, will I be able to spot him if I look carefully at my screen, or do I need a skill to spot him? A: So it's a little bit of both. I think we are going to go for kinda like a pseudo predator kinda style stealth. If you are paying attention to what’s going on, there will be indicators that will help you to kind of feel out where a stealth person might be. But then, also classes like a ranger will have tracking abilities that will help also, in that it will make it a little bit more apparent . It will always be important to have a ranger or something like a ranger in your party to make sure you’re protected from the stealth side of things and of course that is all build based. So not all Rangers will be good at detecting scout stealth but some Rangers will be. -Jeffrey. Q: What steps are being taken to identify duplicated items, remove them from the game, and to deal with those who exploit bugged mechanics to duplicate items on a large scale? A: Duplication is not the only kind of exploit that we're looking at, We are looking at all sorts of different exploits and we're actually building a game around that idea. I know we’ve said this before, but I think it's always good to repeat it and let people know exactly how serious we’re taking this. People who are caught duplicating items will suffer pretty severe consequences. -Jeffrey. Serious as permanent ban from the game? Anybody caught duplicating items or cheating in that way is going to be banned from the game absolutely, And we do have metrics and systems in place to make sure that that's quickly caught and dealt with. -Steven. Q: Do Caravans scale up and down in relation to the node which launches them. For example does a City Caravan have more guards, is it faster? Can it carry more goods? A: The answer to that is yes they will. Again there's two different types of Caravans. Player-created ones will kind of really just depend on what the players are doing, but for the ones that are launched by the city or the town themselves, they will upgrade as the node upgrades too. -Jeffrey. Q: Will there be diminishing returns on crowd control? If so will it be for PVE, PVP, or both? A: There will be diminishing returns on crowd control actually. And that is something. Obviously those diminishing returns and how they work is something we will be testing in Alphas and Betas. But yes, there is intended to be diminishing returns. We don't want, you know, in PvP or PVE any scenario that's going to result in like stun locking and stuff like that, Because it's just not strategic, it’s not fun for either party, gets a little dull. -Steven. Q: What will be the incentives for keeping a node leveled after beating the content associated with it? Why won't we want to siege down our own node to gain access to new stuff? Will we lose access to rare resources associated with that node or something? A: That's a good question, and the answer is that nodes as they develop, unlock additional Services, features, progression of buildings in the node, a lot of things that are beneficial to citizens of that node, or players who may make a home or Freehold in that area. Obviously if the node is destroyed those advancements are lost. Additionally, something that we will touch on in a future blog, is a relic system that I won't go into too much detail here. But relics are achievements for the node that unlock over time and allow the ability to craft specific legendary types of items and or progress in specific legendary quest lines. So not only does nodes development at location determined spawns and access to Dungeons and quest-lines, but it's advancement over time also unlocks further features. -Steven. So in other words, there's a lot of push-pull between wanting to raise a node and wanted to kind of maintain it. We really want the people who call that node home to want to maintain it. So there's going to be plenty of stuff for people to call home and want to defend it. -Jeffrey. Q: My question to you is, how much of your vision will you remain true to and how much will you change to satisfy a player-base? I've been on your forums and there are many people ranting about the same things they complain about when every other game comes out trying to make it like that other game we all know but won’t mention. A: The answer to that question is I will stay 100% true to my vision. And obviously player feedback is important. And you know the vision here is to create principles, ideals, specific game design. It is beneficial for us to get player feedback, because ultimately our player base is what's going to be playing the game we make. That is why we are going through many phases of alpha and beta testing. -Steven. Q: Looking forward to the animal husbandry system. Will breeding be for only cosmetics or will there be mount abilities to breed for, such as higher jumping, stamina, move speed or agility? A: Breeding will actually change the stats of the mount that you breed. It will affect those different things and you can get better mounts through the animal husbandry profession. -Steven. It’s definitely not going to be just cosmetic. There's going to be actual gameplay purpose for it. -Jeffrey. Q: When you augment your classes abilities will you be able to choose from multiple augments or is there only one augment per ability? A: The augment tree is determined by your secondary class choice. Each secondary class choice will have a base minimum of 4, at this time, we will be testing this, but they will have four augment choices. -Steven. Q: Question concerning group content. I know Alpha is not the example to base off, but open world doesn't seem suited for group content at all. Will there be large areas where groups will find a challenge? Will Dungeons have room for multiple groups to get lost in and/or contest? A: Absolutely. There will be. And I would be careful as we show, because we have such a transparent open development, I'd be careful to read into anything you're seeing here with regards to content. Our test for Alpha 0, this pre-alpha test was not a content test it was a mostly technical test. -Steven. Yeah, I know none of this stuff is tuned really for groups in the open world. We wanted people who were coming in to test to actually be able to kind of do stuff solo. So, it's not what it was really built for. All the group content right now is just in our Dungeons. And that's totally going to change when we go live. There will be plenty of places in the open world for groups to kind of tackle and experience and explore together. So don't you worry about that! -Jeffrey. Q: Is the dungeon from the playthrough instanced or open world? A: Open World. All dungeons in Alpha 0 are open world. -Steven. All these things are multi groups if you want them to be. -Jeffrey. Q: Wow, so multiple groups can run a dungeon? A: Yes, multiple groups will be able to run dungeons. Dungeons will be vast. They will be very large. They'll be able to house multiple groups. -Steven. Q: Is there a way we can change or upgrade the roads so our caravans get the best and will there be HP for the caravans so you need to repair them? A: The roads actually do upgrade as the nodes upgrade. And then, their connections are sort of based on what nodes are near them and are connected to them in a trade route sense of way. Different roads will offer different travel speeds for different Caravans. You can spec your Caravan out to be an off-road vehicle or on-road vehicle and that will determine how quickly and what kind of route to take when you’re driving your caravan. So yeah, there will be a road system that is in place when we launch. -Jeffrey. Q: If any class can use any weapon does that mean that the ranger has no bow specific abilities? (Asking for my inevitable two-handed warhammer ranger build)? A: Nice! Some abilities will require a ranged weapon to be available. -Steven. But some abilities won’t. There will certainly be a place for your two handed Warhammer Ranger build. That's kind of where we're going with the way the class system works. Similar to like tank. The tank will have some Shield specific abilities but they’ll also have some specific abilities for two handed weapons. It'll all really kind of depend on how you kit your class out for yourself. -Jeffrey. Q: Will player housing be shared between all your characters? Example: if already have a house/freehold on one character will my other characters be able to use that house/freehold? A: Housing is account based, Yes. -Steven. Q: Will cosmetics be seperate costumes to the armor or will it be skinned onto the armor? A: The way we are picturing it is that you will have basically like a paper doll that you get to dress up and put your Cosmetics on in separate slots from your actual armor. And then you can toggle that on or off depending on what your settings are. You wouldn't be skinning like an actual specific piece of armor. You will just be having it in a specific Cosmetic slot. -Jeffrey. Q: Will we be able to share freeholds with another player if you and the other player desired to do so? A: That's something we are currently discussing and we'll be testing it in alpha. -Steven. It's very likely wee'll do some kind of permission based system. And then, how you guys deal with taxes or whatever will have to be kind of a gentleman's agreement between you two. -Jeffrey. Here you can watch the full livestream video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/227366946?t= Deaths Proxy Recap:
  5. Vol might have actually unisntalled the game, but I will reach out to him and see if he could suggest some adjustment around the use of Magnum.
  6. I figure its been about a year now, back when Chyza was raiding with us. I think he posted a drawing someone in the community made for him. (I cant remember her name). She reached out to me on discord today to show me this: - Its amazing!
  7. To request a game server: https://www.warpigs-online.com/board/application/form/1-game-server-request/
  8. 2018 will be a huge year for the Shattered Isles and the Slayers who call it home. Months of invaluable hands-on information, collected throughout the Alpha and Closed Beta, have honed our insights to help shape the future of Dauntless. We’re excited to share specifics and previews of these features as we work toward Open Beta. Moving forward, expect regular, feature-focused updates and previews on all of the new content and ideas that are coming to Dauntless. You can expect more details, in-depth articles, developer interviews, and previews of what’s to come. The goal of Open Beta is in sight and we are excited to bring to life the game that we’ve been waiting for and that you’ve supported. SEVEN CHAMBERS There are seven elements of Dauntless that we’re focusing our efforts toward in the lead up to Open Beta. Chosen based upon community feedback and their impact for the most players, we’ll be keeping you up to date on their progress and how these elements improve your experience. Each one has a dedicated team will be providing insight and updates as we go. These seven elements are essential to the future of Dauntless, but they are by no means exhaustive. We are always looking for new opportunities and ideas that can expand the Shattered Isles into the place you’ll love calling home for years. As always, you can track these changes and enjoy a deeper insight into the development of Dauntless at the Development Roadmap. You can expect to see more frequent updates to the roadmap as well as additional insights as elements of the game progress toward Open Beta and beyond. USER INTERFACE While the Sharpen Your Skills update included improvements to some menus and interfaces, we’re turning our attention to a refinement of the UI that will serve Slayers through Open Beta and beyond. These improvements will impact everything from your health bar to crafting interfaces and everything in between. And we’re planning on making them pretty damn slick while we’re at it. We’ve heard community feedback that while some aspects of the current UI work well, some elements like navigating hunt boards or cells still need work. We also know that players looking to spend hundreds of hours playing or showing the game off to their streaming audience would like something easier on the eyes. Look forward to previews and hands-on experience with both improved visuals and functionality. We’ll be continuing to gather your feedback as we make huge strides forward with UI. EVERGAME Dauntless is about forging a legend by crafting exotic weapons and armour from the power of deadly Behemoths. But determining which legend is worth pursuing? That’s for each Slayer to decide for themselves. For our part, this means creating the world, challenges, story, and content that will make coming back daily, weekly, and monthly worthwhile. We’re dedicating design and creative resources to the ongoing expansion of the activities that are available in the Shattered Isles. This means more ways to hunt, new activities to engage in, and new social features to explore. We call this combination of content the “Evergame.” We know that Dauntless players and curious gamers want to know what the “end game” will consist of. But instead of creating a terminus for Slayers, we’re dedicated to creating compelling content for long-term, high-skill players. We’re also working to create content that players of all skill levels can engage with and invest in at their own pace. This means an experience that will grow and change with the Dauntless community over time. Look forward to deadlier Behemoths, new mechanics to master, and opportunities to hone your skill. As a participant in the Closed Beta you’ll have a huge opportunity to help us shape these systems with your feedback. We’re excited to share work-in-progress versions of what’s to come and to get your feedback. ISLAND GAMEPLAY Every island holds the promise of adventure and a place for people to grow and thrive. A Slayer’s job isn’t just to defeat Behemoths, but also learn more about the world in an effort to give humanity a fighting chance. We’ve heard from players that they enjoy the setting of Dauntless, but that they’re looking for more reasons to invest in the islands themselves. Behemoths should interact with islands, and islands should react to Behemoths. We agree and are working on ways to make exploring islands more rewarding and fun, as well as building systems that make the world feel more alive. SLAYER EXPRESSION We learn more about the dyes, accessories, and customizations that Slayers love with every day. We’ve enjoyed having lengthy, personal discussions about investing in a game that they want to play for years to come We’ve committed to no pay-to-win and no paywalls since day one, and we proudly stand by that promise. Skill is a cornerstone of Dauntless and we’re committed to ensuring Behemoths can only be brought down by Slayers, not their credit cards. We are expanding the customization and style options available to players through the in-game store and unlockable through progression. Much of what you see today is placeholder, and we’re excited to solidify and expand these offerings. PERFORMANCE AND SCALE You’ve locked in your GTΩ 1190 Quartz Edition into your liquid-nitrogen-cooled quantum motherboard, right next to your 100 gigawatts of DD7 RAM. You download Dauntless with your quad-axial, 10-Petabyte connection so quickly that (in a flagrant violation of the laws of time) you get next month’s patch before we’ve finished it. Truly, you have ascended. But before you can become a Time Lord master Slayer, we need to make sure that things are running smoothly both behind the scenes and on your own beastly box. And even if your machine has more in common with a hot plate than an instrument of interactive ascension, we want to make sure that you still have a great experience by expanding the minimum requirements. We know that city, island, and overall optimization needs to be addressed and we’re getting to the point with development that this process makes sense. We’re also working to expand the availability of regional servers (which you should be hearing more about in the coming weeks.) COMBAT We’ve been keeping a close eye on community feedback when it comes to combat since day one. We acted quickly to improve combat impact in the early days of the Closed Alpha and used your feedback to improve the versatility and feel of the hammer, for example. We’re looking forward to bringing the quality and breadth of these updates to other elements of combat going forward. We’re digging into the different ways that weapons and gear interact with Behemoths and the world. We’re digging deep into this relationship and the opportunities for teams of Slayers to coordinate and optimize for specific challenges. Look forward to more details about improvements to the fundamentals of combat, improvements to existing weapons, expanding combo variety, and continuing to iterate on the cell system. TUTORIALS Being a Slayer is tough enough without needing to worry about having the details straight. We’re working on new systems and flow that will make it easier to get your friends playing like pros while keeping the action moving - all without slowing you down. LOOKING TO THE FUTURE These are huge steps forward and we can’t imagine accomplishing it without the devotion of our Founders. These changes are a reflection of the effort you’ve put into playing and sharing your feedback with us. From all of us at Phoenix Labs, thank you for your continued support and for joining us on this journey. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
  9. If I recall correctly there should be another Alpha 0 coming up. I remember reading that the NDA for this around of testing will be removed. These classes sound cool although I have no idea what to expect from most of them. Fingers crossed that the base classes are in the game so we can get an idea of the direction the development is going to go in.
  10. I generally play a ranger when it is an option but since I have so much run playing a summoner in Black Desert I am interested in doubling down with a Conjurer.
  11. This is a great guide boom put together, we should have a DPS one by Vol as well. Im not sure how relivent this are... but I figure that game hasnt added anything new since the guide was made. What are the runes like from Prime GA, are they any different from P0 GA runes?
  12. Look at this cupcake.
  13. I will have access setup and shared out tonight.
  14. We are now a recognized guild \o/
  15. We are adding it before our name.
  16. Our recruitment thread was just approved on the official forums. You can find the post here: https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/38101/na-warpigs-pvx-semi-hardcord#latest

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About us

Warpigs is a semi-hardcore multi game community, for both MMOs and other genres. Our core, which has largely remained the same, started back in 2014. Warpigs first got started in Wildstar and has since branched out to several other game including, Black Desert Online, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm as some of our most active games. We also have a strong internal following for both Dauntless and Ashes of Creation.

Warpigs function as a tight knit family-esque guild, which is not to say that our conversations are G-rated. Quite the opposite, but when you're one of us, we've got your back. Words fly pretty freely, and I'm always of the opinion that if you play an MMO, or any game with a social player base, you need thick skin and know not to take things personally. With that being said, we are a well organised and have a fairly mature membership, and as such we offer a very stable guild that we hope will be here for many more years to come.

Warpigs are dedicated to a friendly, team focused, fun-loving gaming environment where every member is important and not just a number on a roster. We seek to foster long term friendships among members and enhance the online gaming experience by virtue of those friendships.

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