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Black Desert Online

System Daemons

Whats your class?


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figured if go ahead and start this and see what classes people are looking at playing, or style of class. i know i havent been able to look to much into certain parts of the game. but that'll happen in time. 

For me depending on the play style:

1. Shadow Guardian - 2. Paladin - 3. Necromancer/shaman - 4. Scout/Predator - 5. Dreadnought.



Edited by Attackroot
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Ok, not knowing exactly what the class does but purely just thinking about the scryer, songcaller, or soul reaver. Anything kinda support-like in playstyle is my cup of tea. Excited to see a bard class again!

Edited by kyaras
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I'm not sure it really depends on play style, I would like to see what the assassin, predator and Shadow Guardian is like, but the others I would be looking at is Hawkeye, Warlock, Shadow caster. Knight, necromancer, and maybe a shadow blade. But there are so many options it would be hard to tell, I think playing the initial main class will help decide which play style I would like but I'm not sure if the secondary class is just a complementary class to the main or if the play style completely changes from one to the other. 

Once the beta comes I will be playing a lot to figure each class and hope I get a good enough feel for all of them to figure out which is best for me.  

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If I recall correctly there should be another Alpha 0 coming up. I remember reading that the NDA for this around of testing will be removed. 
These classes sound cool although I have no idea what to expect from most of them. Fingers crossed that the base classes are in the game so we can get an idea of the direction the development is going to go in.   

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